This is our legal policy valid from 03 October 2017.
We are required by law to tell you what you are getting into with Tadpoles and Mud Puddles. Legal is the required privacy policy and terms & conditions. All rights are reserved and all content is information-based, not a professional opinion.

Privacy Policy
We hate junk mail as much as you do. When you sign up for the newsletter, your email address will not be sold to anyone. You have the legal right to receive only what you signed up for and may unsubscribe at any time.
Terms and Conditions
All content provided on is for informational purposes only. We make no representations as to the accuracy or completeness of any information on this site or found by following any link on this site. will not be liable for any errors or omissions in this information nor for the availability of this information. The owner will not be liable for any losses, injuries, or damages from the display or use of this information.
We are here to help tired parents find something to do with their very active child. I have been teaching young and old for 14 years however I am not an expert nor have a teaching degree.
The posts here are opinions not professional advice. I am a human. This means I can and probably will make mistakes but to my knowledge all information is accurate.
I am offering my general opinion, please consult an expert with anything if you need particular advice for your situation. Please know you are using this information at your own risk and will not be held liable for any damages. I reserve all rights to change anything here.
Disclosure Policy
I write and edit Tadpoles and Mud Puddles. For questions about this blog, please contact Jen at
There are affiliate links in some of our posts and will be advertisements. These links and ads provide compensation at no additional cost to you. And you may even save you money by following these links or ads. You will find links from:
- Google Adsense
- Amazon Affiliate Program
- Rakuten LinkShare
- UlitmateBundle
- Innate Moves
For anyone who wants to sign up for the newsletter, you will be receiving messages once or twice a week and are welcome to unsubscribe at any time. Please allow 48 hours for us to update the email list. We collect your information through:
- HubSpot
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Updated 20 May 2018 for GDPR compliance.
For compliance with the GDPR Tadpoles And Mud Puddles will not sell your email or any other personal information to anyone. You are signing up for information from us only. Also, you could receive any or all of the following:
- Newsletter (blog articles, announcements, reports)
- Promotional (sales, deals, gifts, offers)
- Partnerships (business deals, partnership opportunities)
- Product/service (updates, new or removed)
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We use cookies to track usage of our site. There are cookies in place through Google Analysis and Google Adsense. You have the right to say no to these cookies. Please make the proper selection at the bottom of your browser.
Updated 4/17/2020
Companies with Affiliate Links on our Site
Some of our favorite companies are affiliates. We love these companies and whole-heartedly endorse purchases through these companies, and would even without the commission.