Getting outside should be an everyday thing. Go out for a nature walk and explore. Know the basics of edible plants that are local to your area. Learn about the insects and animals you might run into. Learn about the bees, rocks, and water on your path. Explore. Enjoy the outside.
By the way, this post is part of a new series in 2023 and 2024. Click below to see more of the series. Feel free to add your favorite N activities, crafts, and ideas you use for your letter N learning in the comments.
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Letter N
We love nature walks. Part of it is we live in the woods. Part of it comes from a love of bugs and tadpoles. Outside is part of us. A few days a week we walk and explore. Sometimes that means spending ten minutes observing a woodpecker or chasing down a walnut that gets kicked like a soccer ball all walk long. Or balancing or climbing on a natural playground full of fallen logs and stumps.
Getting a terrarium and a heavy-duty butterfly net was exactly what my son needed to do experiments and raise some bugs and tadpoles.

The letter N is the fourteen letter of the alphabet. Aiden picks net, now, and nail when he’s asked for a N words.
An N sounds like nuh.
Activities and ideas:
- Take a journal with you on a wooded trail. Draw, write, and collect from your adventure.
- Nut bowling. Set up acorns as pins and use a walnut or other round nut to knock them down.
- Create a gnome or fairy garden pot. Encourage small plants to grow in it and bugs to enjoy
- CVC words with the N sound

Nature Walk Journal
Take a nature walk with this free journal. See what you can see write and draw about your walk. Collect what you enjoy and is safe to touch.
Words that start with N
Vocabulary words are a great place to start with your new reader. Open up the dictionary and look for some good N words. Learning a few easy words, such as spelling words or just sight words will aid in the reading process. It’s much easier to read if you know what you’re reading.
Here are a few of our favorites:
- Nut
- Now
- Nice
- Need
- Newt
- Net
- No
Free Alphabet Worksheets N
Grab our free writing and coloring pages. Practice writing lower and upper case letters N. Color and display your letter N word nightcrawler. Click below to download.
As a homeschooling mom, I know one of the homeschool essentials is a good-quality printer with cheap ink. Make sure you look at the cost of the ink before you buy. The printer price isn’t the price to worry about. We have an old one we bought about 10 years ago. Totally worth it. It doesn’t even have to have both print cartilages to print.
Alphabet Letter N
Whether you’re teaching reading, spelling, or vocabulary the letter N is a great place to start. What are your favorite N activities?

Want some more alphabet work? Get this workbook with worksheets, activities, games, and sight words. Click below for more details.
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