Inventing is the key to success. Whether it’s making a task easier or the creation of flying cars, invention is a part of everything we do. It’s also a great way to apply scientific principles. There are plenty of science kits if you want something to build. Aiden gets a few Kiwi Crates a year. Which are a ton of fun and a great jump-off point for other ideas.
By the way, this post is part of a new series in 2023. Click below to see more of the series. Feel free to add your favorite I activities, crafts, and ideas you use for your Letter I learning in the comments.
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Letter I
In every season you can find insects. Aiden’s love for the bugs has sent us on many bug hunt. Looking under logs leaving snacks out for ants, and wandering around in search of insects is a fun summertime activity. We even made it his birthday theme one year. Get a big bug book from the library and a magnifying glass and get hunting. Just make sure you don’t touch insects you aren’t sure are safe.
Related Post: For the Boy Moms Who Don’t Like Bugs
The letter I is the ninth letter of the alphabet. Aiden picks ice, insects, and ice cream when he’s asked for an I words.
A long I sounds like eye and a short I sound ih.
Activities and ideas:
- Insect hunt (make sure you know what you’re touching. Get a bug book guide if you’re not sure. Some are safe and some are not.)
- Invent your next toy or game with your craft supplies.
- Make ice cream (easy video)
- CVC words with the I sound

For your bug-loving kids grab this coloring page for free from Messy Little Monster. Print and color these cute little insects.
How to Make Letter Imprints Alphabet Art for Kids
Try out these beautiful imprints from taming little monsters.

I is for Ice Cream
Make ice cream for fun. Ice cream is a delicious treat that you can make without a machine. Grab this free recipe and enjoy.
Words that start with I
Vocabulary words are a great place to start with your new reader. Open up the dictionary and look for some good I words. Learning a few easy words, such as spelling words or just sight words will aid in the reading process. It’s much easier to read if you know what you’re reading.
Here are a few of our favorites:
- Ice
- Icy
- Insect
- Inside
- Igloo
- Invent
- Ink
Free Alphabet Worksheets I
Grab our free writing and coloring pages. Practice writing lower and upper case letters I. Color and display your letter I word inchworm. Click below to download.
As a homeschooling mom, I know one of the homeschool essentials is a good-quality printer with cheap ink. Make sure you look at the cost of the ink before you buy. The printer price isn’t the price to worry about. We have an old one we bought about 10 years ago. Totally worth it. It doesn’t even have to have both print cartilages to print.
Alphabet Letter I
Whether you’re teaching reading, spelling, or vocabulary the letter I is a great place to start. What are your favorite I activities?

Want some more alphabet work? Get this workbook with worksheets, activities, games, and sight words. Click below for more details.
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