Open Water Adventures With Littles: Chesapeake Bay

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The beach is one of our favorite vacations.  With a few fun spots that we head for when it’s summer there’s nothing like sunshine and sand and open water.  The ocean is so beautiful but it can be deadly, especially for little ones. If you love the ocean but want a safer place to play, try out the Chesapeake Bay.  

sunset on bay beach

Open Water: Ocean Vacation

The ocean is a wonderful place to go on vacation but there are dangers, especially for Littles.  As a mom, with a little swimmer, I do everything I can to keep my son safe in the water. He’s confident and often dangerous when it comes to pushing his limits.  

In the US, drowning is the leading cause of death in kids 1 – 5 [4].  That’s a scary static for any parent.  You have to be on when your kids are around water even more so when there’s open water. 

That being said you can do a lot to keep your child safe in the water.

Teach Your Child To Swim

swimming as a life skill

One the best way to keep your child safe to teach them to swim. You can do it or let a professional do it. Knowing the water and how to keep themselves afloat is everything.

As a swimming teacher my son was in the water extremely early. His first day in the water was 6 weeks old. He loves the water and it makes me happy to see him swim.

You are never too early to put your child in swimming lessons. Many Y’s start swimming lessons as early as 6 months old.     

Related Post: How to Teach Your Toddler to Swim

Choose Your Open Water Carefully

calm open water

One of the best ways to keep your Littles safe is to choose your water wisely.  We choose Bay Beach when we recently visited Virginia Beach. Instead of heading for the ocean we went for the brackish water in Bay Beach because of the calm water.  

Because this beach is mostly bay water it’s very calm much of the day.  Sometimes you could wander out 100 feet from the shore and still touch down.

Related Post: Quick Trip to the Beach, No Plan Just Go


open water splashing

Even though this is a great beach I’m fairly sure we saw a rip current while on our this year vacation.  Although none of us were in the water, we watched the water drain away 50 feet and then the waves started crashing again.

There were people out in it with little kids that had to head back in quickly.  So you should never assume you are safe even in calm water.  

Related post: The Best Beach Toys for Summer Vacation

Sun Protection

sand castle building on the beach

When you have Littles at the beach you should have shade.  An umbrella or a tent offers a lot more comfort for you and your little ones.  Staying out of the sun for sand castle building or a drink of water can make your beach day much better.

Sunscreen should go without saying.   Always remember to reapply and stay out of the sun for a little bit.  

Learn CPR and Rescue Breathing

My son decided to have a piece of hard candy when he was 2. I had no idea he had it in his mouth until he started coughing. Then he stopped and I realized he was choking. Fortunately I’ve had lifeguard training and know how to handle choking. That didn’t stop me from having a mini heart attack until the candy popped out.

I don’t know what I would have done without the training. The last thing I want for any parent is to feel helpless if your child is in danger. Simply doing CPR or rescue breathing until the paramedics get there can save your child’s life if they start drowning.

Heat Related Illness

Water and sunshine are often deceptive.  It’s easy to not notice the sweat. Or the sunburn.  Until you start to feel sick. Always remember to hydrate and keep the salty and sweet snacks around.    

Have Fun on Your Open Water Vacation

Happy vacation from Tadpoles And Mud Puddles

Don’t forget to enjoy your littles on the beach. Ditch the book or your phone and play in the sand and the water. Gather shells and little stones. Remember to take your trash to the can or out with you.

Where do you go on your beach vacations? Do you have a spot you go back to year after year? What do you do to keep your little ones safe?

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Open water dangers, open water adventures with littles, chesapeake bay

Learn More:

[1] Unintentional Drowning: Get the Facts

[2] New Childhood Drowning Study Highlights the Surprising Hazards of Open Water

[3] Open Water Drowning by the Numbers 

[4] Drowning Stats


  1. Be it river, or lakes, sea or ocean, I am never tired of admiring its beauty and might.

  2. Looks like a fun vacation! I totally agree with learning cpr or any life saving measures specially when everyone’s going to the beach at this time.

  3. I love exploring new places especially when there is water activities for the kids and the kids at heart to enjoy. Another one for the books!

  4. Lots of things to think about with water. We live by the beach but I don’t often let my daughter swim in the sea.

  5. Looks like so much. My kid have a phobia of water so I can’t take with me.

  6. Awe this looks liek so much fun! My daughter is starting to love the water so we’ve been getting to the beach often. So many fun places!!

  7. oh wow!!! First the place looks gorgeous, absolutely gorgeous!!! Second, it is just amazing that you know how to do CPR, i need to learn first aid myself, this is very veyr important.

  8. Definitely teach kids to swim when they’re young! So much easier to learn at that age.

  9. Good call teaching your tot while he’s little. So much easier to learn at that age!

  10. Oh gosh this looks like so much fun! I grew up loving the water and I’m hoping my nephew will grow up the same way!

  11. I am so happy you are investing to teaching your kid to swim at a young age. This is a good skill to have and to save his life potentially.

  12. Great advice! Just follow a child to allow him to fully enjoy the summer and the sea!

  13. So fun! My family loves being by the water. My kids had swim lessons at a young age so I didn’t worry as much, but I always watched them close when they were by the water.

  14. This was great advice for first time beach goers with kids. I agree with all of your advice. You covered some very important things for parents to know. We took our kids to the beach for the first time last summer. They loved it and it was a great experience for us because we made sure we were safe about everything. I hope to go to the beach again soon. Chesapeake is very beautiful!