Children’s Garden at Penn State University

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My child is active.  That means we spend a ton of time trying to get some of that energy out of him.  Outside is one of the best places to go with all of that energy. So we hit a park at least once a week.  It’s part of the routine. There’s a ton of them around us. There are different types of parks. Some have the equipment, some are for outdoor sports and others are full of beauty.  This week we hit a park with a Children’s Garden on the local campus.

Children's Garden, Penn State University, park, garden, activities


Children’s Garden on Penn State Campus

We spent 2 and a half hours climbing, playing, and exploring in the Children’s Garden.  It’s a little early in the season for some of the gardens.  The flowers there were in were beautiful. There were a few open spaces that didn’t have flowers yet.  

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children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, toad stool,climbing

children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, greenschildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, veggieschildren's garden, flowers, activities, fun, park

Children’s Garden

The Children’s Garden is in its own section.  There are animal statues, water features, and fabricated cave.  So many things to explore and do.

children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, waterchildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, sandboxchildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, water





Animals around the Children’s Garden

You can start by looking for all the animals around the garden.  There are 16 animals all through. Some are easy to find and others are hiding.  There’s even some you can climb on. We found the owl, bull, snack, bats, heron, caterpillar, fairy house, and salamander.  

children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, owl, animalschildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, animal, caterpillar children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, fairies, animals


children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, butterfly costume

Water in Children’s Garden

My water kid was thrilled to find all the places to play in the water.  Next time we go he’s going in a swimsuit. He was in long pants because it was chilly and he just got soaked.  There are streams all through the garden. The kids wander through and splash around. There’s also a water trough with stuff to water the plants and play.  He filled and empty the cups, bottles, and watering cans for a good half an hour.

children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, waterchildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, waterchildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, water










Cave Fun

There are lots of places to explore all through the garden.  The cave has a sandpit and a built-in bench for any parents stuck there for a while.  Dark corners to hide in. Bats on the ceiling. And water falling from above. That was another place we stay quite a while.  It was a nice place hang out for awhile.

children's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, cavechildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, sandboxchildren's garden, penn state university, park, fun, activities, cave






All Kinds of Activities

Activities run Mondays through Fridays all summer break.  Including storytime, yoga, bird watching, and other nature activities.  There are seasonal events too. You can find their full schedule on their website.  

You can even play music in the garden.


What’s your favorite type of park?  Have you ever been to a Children’s Garden?  Comment below.




  1. oh this look like so much fun! I am going to have to do some searching to see if we have something like this around us!

  2. Wow! What a fun place to go to. My daughter loves to play outside woth animals too.

  3. We have been to a few children’s gardens and they are so precious. My kids love going. Such great memories you are making

  4. I wish we had one of these in my area!!!!! I should do some digging to try and find things similar. Kids need to get outside more :)!!!

  5. My kids and I recently went to a children’s garden. My kids had a blast, and I loved that my kids were exploring outside!

  6. It’s nice that there are so many elements at this park for little one’s to discover and explore.

  7. I didn’t even know this existed! My children are a bit older, but I think we will definitely venture out this way!