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It’s almost spring.  I know. The snow is still covering the east coast.  It’s time to get outside and play.  Aiden loves it.  Yes, much of these ideas include lots and lots of mud.  Here are 13 spring fun for toddler ideas we do, to keep my toddler busy.  Be warned some of these ideas are messy.

Keep your toddler busy with spring fun ideas.

Messy Spring Fun Ideas:

Messy!  It’s not my favorite either.  But boys love mud and bugs. It’s okay to step outside of your comfort zone and have fun with your messy boy.  Here are 7 messy ideas to keep your toddler busy.  But what else are you going to do with your spring fun?  I mean really?  It’s always a little messy. 

  1. Finger Painting
  2. Sand Painting
  3. Rock Hunting in a Stream
  4. Gardening
  5. Worm Digging
  6. Mud Pie Making
  7. Mud Balls

Finger Painting

This is a favorite of my toddler.  It usually morphs into whole body painting.  Or at the very least arm painting. I always give him a bunch of things to paint.  A piece of poster board is ideal. It’s heavy enough that it doesn’t blow away and you can literally roll on it if you decide to use your whole body as a paintbrush.

Sand Painting

Sand is a staple for us.  Aiden’s had a sandbox since he was one.  He plays in it from the moment the snow is gone until it’s starts snowing again. We discovered that adding sand to finger paint is a lot of fun.  It adds a different texture. I wouldn’t put it in the bottle of paint but put it in the paint on your poster board.  You can also use dirt, leaves, and grass. Whatever is around.

Rock Hunting in a Stream

We have a creek beside our house.  So we spend hours in the water. It’s too cold to get in but there are plenty of little rocks to look at and collect.  Bucket, sifter, and shovel are highly recommended. Especially if you don’t want the toddler wet.


Mud!  We’re digging out a section of the garden now that the ground isn’t super frozen.  There are tons of things to do in the mud. Get the shovels and buckets and get digging.  On the plus side you can get something done while your toddler is playing (assuming you are working by hand, no rototiller by the toddler please).
Dig garden

Worm Digging

Digging up bugs, in general, is a big hit.  I usually steer away from picking the bugs up to avoid hurting the bug and avoid anything poisonous.  Worms are probably the safest thing to pick up and play with. Not to mention it’s perfect for the garden so drop them in when you’re done.

Mud Pie Making

We love mud!  Can you tell? Either get some pans at the dollar store or use some from the kitchen.  And whip up a batch of mud pie.

Mud Balls

Much like snowballs, mud balls need to be the right consistency.  Also, suggest not throwing them at people but to set up a target.  Be careful this can get ready messy.

Less Messy Spring Fun Ideas:

These ideas are for when it’s too cold to hose your toddler off with the garden hose.  Mind you, they are always capable of making it messy too. Here are 6 less messy ideas to keep your toddler busy.

  1. Kite Flying
  2. Sidewalk Chalk Maze
  3. Bubble Chasing
  4. Soap in a Bucket
  5. Water Painting
  6. Sandbox Digging

Kite Flying

As much I like seeing the kite up in the sky, it’s just as much fun to see your kid running full blasted down a hill with a kite.  He had a blast and ran himself out of energy without wearing me out in the process.

Sidewalk Chalk Maze

Sidewalk chalk is a classic.  We don’t just draw. He loves shape patterns and running so we mated that with sidewalk chalk.  It usually takes a little time to set up but it’s a great way to learn about patterns and shapes.  The maze starts with a Start and ends with a Finish. We make a few different lines. Some that cross over each other and some that go straight and long.    

Bubble Chasing

Do yourself a favor and get one of the auto bubble blowers for when your arm gets tired.  The littler your toddler is the more you will have to do the blowing. Chase and pop as many bubbles as you can.

Soap in a Bucket

It’s exactly like it sounds.  Get some soap and fill a bucket half full of water.  Splashing and playing. And you get a clean kid in the process.  Happy kid, Happy mom. 🙂

Water Painting

Get the paint brushes and sponges and use the bucket.  You can paint the house or sidewalk without any mess. You might get a little wet though.

Sandbox Digging

Do you have any little dinosaurs or animals from the dollar store?  Bury them in the sandbox and see how many your toddler can find. Build sand castles for your toys.  Create a road and bridges for matchbox cars. Sand can do a lot.  

digging in the sand

That’s what we were doing this spring.  Well, plus some egg hunting and maybe a few snow angels.  Got some other ideas? I’d love to hear them. Comment below.  

Try out these other ideas for spring:

13 messy and not so messy ideas for spring


  1. He is adorable! I miss mine being this age sometimes.

  2. Great ideas for fun! Especially now that summer is on its way, my nephews and nieces will really enjoy these activities! Thanks for sharing@

  3. Every child wants to enjoy these kind of activities we also make mud pie.

  4. LOL finger painting does turn into body painting when you have a toddler. That is just part of the fun. 🙂

  5. Your child look so adorable. I think they would love all of the spring activities

  6. One of my favourite things to do as a child was to make mud pies. My kids love looking at insects in the garden.

  7. Yes! Spring is my favourite season. I cant wait to get outside with the girls once the snow and ice melts. It’s pretty cold, grey and windy here in Toronto.

  8. My kids LOVE to move all of my decorating stones to search for worms underneath them while I’m gardening. They like to put the worms in the garden to help it grow.

    One of my favorite memories was when we took the kids to the beach and brought out bubbles. It was a little breezy so those bubbles flew for a while and my kids had fun chasing them down the beach.

  9. These activities are definitely a lot better than just letting your toddler watch tv or use a phone or a tablet to learn. I believe that letting children play outside is so much better. Plus, I’m sure the kids will enjoy these more than a game or a tv show. 🙂

  10. Such a cutie pie kid. Those ideas are really helpful and fun to carry out.

  11. Tessa Christianson

    These are wonderful ideas! Some of my favorite memories growing up were playing outside (or inside) and getting creative and MESSY! I think a lot of parents use screens as a babysitter, which makes sense when they are busy but it is so great to engage with your toddler and play in these ways!

  12. Michael David Oyco

    Looks like a fun list. Well. obviously the kid can tell us by the photos. Good job

  13. This activities will surely keep the kids busy for the spring, I love the mud pie making and rock hunting idea as they will really get active, dirty but will have fun definitely. Thanks for sharing!

  14. Thank you for sharing your brilliant ideas! As a boy mum I’m always looking for new and creative ideas to keep him stimulated! Can’t wait to try some of these ideas with him.

  15. I love these ideas! I may have to include some of these in my kids outside play time. They would have a blast!!! Thank you for sharing!